During the SO Festival 2011 there will be a giant maze erected on Tower Gardens, at first glance Levity II would have you think it was a huge bouncy castle, but step inside and you will find yourself in a gigantic maze filled with different coloured rooms and passage ways.
There will be a small charge to use Levity II not every thing can be free, Skegness has to pay for next years SO Festival.
The SO Festival have teamed up with the Architect Of Air the company behind Levity II.
This I’m looking forward to, during the SO Festival last year on Tower Gardens during the 2010 SO Festival the art installation was very poor. Someone had come up with the idea of putting plastic and inflatable ducks on the pond which put the wildlife on the pond at risk and they placed big inflatable balloons in the trees which the kids destroyed within hours of them going up.
Last years art insulation wasn’t embraced by the public many showing no interest, but for the SO Festival 2011 Levity II looks to be a piece of art work people can interact with and experience up close and personal becoming engulfed in the giant maze.
I see Levity II going down well with SO Festival goers, I can’t wait :)
You will be asked to remove your shoes before entering an airlock, once passed this airlock you will be free to move around comforted by gentle and Sarene music, bathed in luminous light.
Some people like to walk through the maze other may sit and enjoy the calming atmosphere.
Now this is what I call Art Levity II look like something you can involve yourself with and be an experience to last a life time, what a great way for visitors to remember the SO Festival.
Levity has traveled the world and been embraced by many famous cities visiting 32 countries and over 1.5 million people have walked through Levity II and now the Skegness SO Festival is to experience Levity II on Tower Gardens.
Here are some quotes from people who have experienced Levity II:
“Suddenly the world outside seemed to be forgotten, we had all been transported into a whole other world of light.”
“One of the most remarkable experiences of my life. I was blissfully a child”
“…and then to tell people about it, it is just impossible to describe what you see. I was amazed by the colours.”
“My family found it a most magical experience. Personally I felt a calmness and sense of envelopment like nothing I’ve ever imagined.”
“A sanctuary of the senses”
“People roamed about, pleasurably lost, smiling with wonder, delight and, who knows, perhaps something approaching contentment”.
“Somewhere between a womb and a cathedral”
“Transformative. People seemed to be taken…brought back to a place of tranquility and joy.”
“The effect as you wander through is simultaneously disorienting and comforting, stimulating and serene. This is a place for respite, re-charge or both.”
I going to jump the gun and say congratulation to the SO Festival organisers for getting Levity II to be apart of the SO Festival 2011, might be a little premature and out of character for me, but I think Levity is going to go down a storm at SO.