Opening hours, prices etc… for LaserQuest are at the bottom of this page.
As a family (Mum, Dad and two sons) we’ve been to LaserQuest at Skegness Pier just once, this is because I (Dad) have a bad back (just had an operation to fuse a couple of discs as it happens) so regular Laser Quest games for the entire family wasn’t an option :(
If it was, I’d go to LaserQuest at least once a fortnight, as a Dad with two teenage (almost teenage for the youngest) sons, the idea of running around with a gun shooting my kids is VERY appealing :-)
When we went as a family I was only able to play one game (back hurt too much), but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I forget who won (LOL), but we all went home checking our LaserQuest game score printout to see who’d done what and making excuses as to why we’d got shot so many times in the back!
There was a slight technical glitch with son number twos gear and he had to have it reset half way through the game which threw off the stats a bit, but the fun of sneaking up on your wife and kids and shooting them made up for that :)
Since then our two sons have joined as members of LaserQuest at Skegness Pier for £7 a year and try to attend the Tuesday members only night from 6pm to 10pm. They tell me the night is filled with various games organised by the LaserQuest employees who sound like they REALLY enjoy their work. I would have loved that job as a teenager/young man.
Most nights they’d come home raving about various games and the occasional time complaining about how someone was cheating (you know how kids are, never satisfied).
If the operation on my back is successful enough for me to play LaserQuest on a regular basis (with this type of operation progress is very slow) I’ll join as a member and attend the Tuesday members only evening with my wife and kids.
If you are in Skegness and enjoy this sort of activity give it a try.
LaserQuest Game Prices and Laser Quest Coupons
A= Adult : C = Child
1st Laserquest Game A £2.99 – C £2.49
2nd Laserquest Game A £1.99 – C £1.49
3rd Laserquest Game A £0.99 – C £0.99

Print the Laser Quest coupon above to get a buy 1 get 1 free game of LaserQuest.
LaserQuest Members Game Prices
Annual membership is £7 per person.
£1.50p per Laserquest game at anytime.
LaserQuest Members Evening : £5 for 4 hours of fun 6pm to 10pm on Tuesdays!
LaserQuest Opening Hours
Monday: Closed (Temp)
Tuesday: 10am – 4pm
Wednesday: 10am – 4pm
Thursday: 10am – 4pm
Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday: 10am – 10pm
Sunday: 10am – 10pm
LaserQuest at Skegness Pier Address
Skegness Laserquest
Skegness Pier
Grande Parade
PE25 2UE
Phone: +44 (0) 1754 761341
Fax: +44 (0) 1754 766939
Map of Laser Quest at Skegness Pier
Skegness Attractions Star Rating 9/10
LaserQuest at Skegness recently had a free membership offer, (normally £8 for a year membership: which is a fair price for what you get) so myself, the wife and youngest son got a free Laserquest membership :-)
This is particular good for me as I still have a back problem and didn’t plan to buy a Laserquest membership this year, can now get the odd cheap game (can maybe handle one game).
As I wasn’t planning to buy a membership the wife wouldn’t have bought one either. Since youngest son no longer has any brothers at home to go to Laserquest with, he wasn’t going to get one either until I could go with him (I REALLY want to try out the members night, sounds a LOT of fun).
Wife and youngest son are currently at Laser Quests Monday members only night (I get the fun of walking them home after while they rave!), they’d not be going without the free membership, so well done Skegness Laserquest for offering free membership recently.
If Laser Quest employees read this page, drop a comment next time you have any offers like these as in Google this page is ranked well for relevant searches:
Skegness LaserQuest 2nd
Skegness Laser Quest 2nd
Laserquest Skegness 3rd
Laser Quest Skegness 10th
So potential visitors to Skegness LaserQuest are reading this page.
Hi i am in training for working at laser quest bournemouth might come up to skegness sometime just wandering do they use the key tag button cells that you tap on to the gun?
Don’t have a clue, just go to have fun, technical stuff just goes straight over my head :).