Every year at Christmas time in Skegness there is a Santa Fun Run.
The Skegness Santa Fun Run isn’t just for runners you can walk, so it’s suitable for all.
If you like dressing up as Santa and you have a heart of gold for worthy courses give the Skegness Santa Fun Run a go and raise some money for charity at Christmas and spread the joy of giving.
The Christmas Santa Fun run takes place across the beach in Skegness, it’s usually happens around the first Couple of weeks in December.
Skegness Santa Fun Run is a lot of Christmas Fun for all the family that help raise money for the Lincs and Notts Ambucopter
Lincs and Notts Ambucopter relay on Donations to do the valuable and courageous job they provide to us the British People, so what better way to say thanks.
The Rotary Club Organises the Skegness Christmas Santa Fun run and Raises money for worthy causes each year.
The run is only 5km, it starts outside the Life Boats Station and Runners or if your like me walkers :) run up Esplanade, down passed the Embassy Theatre, passed McDonalds towards the Seal sanctuary, passed X-Site in the car park heading towards the beach, down the beach front back to the RNLI Life Boat Station.
The Santa Fun Run Starts at 10.30am on December the 5th 2010.
It costs £10 to enter for single participants, Family price is £20 for 2 Adults and up to 2 Children.
For your money you get a Santa Suit, a Number, a sponsorship form, lots of fun and feelings of satisfaction in helping a charity at Christmas time, all you have to do is print off the Pdf form available at: WWW.SkegnessSantasFunRun.org.uk to get started.
The Santa Fun Run is without a double one of the best fun events you can do in Skegness at Christmas.